WEIGHT: 55 kg
Bust: E
One HOUR:130$
NIGHT: +60$
Services: Travel Companion, Rimming (receiving), French Kissing, Tantric, Domination (giving)
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It's OK to disagree with someone's ideas, but personal attacks, insults, threats, hate speech, advocating violence and other violations can result in a ban. If you see comments in violation of our community guidelines , please report them. Just 13 cards were issued to Lyon County residents, while 42 were issued to other Northern Nevada residents, 18 were issued to Southern Nevada residents and cards were issued to out-of-state residents. The average sex worker was 31 years old, with the youngest being 18 and the oldest being Roughly workers had less than one year of employment at the brothels — seven years was the longest length of employment.
Thirteen of the sex workers were involved in active criminal cases, including possession of a controlled substance, fraud, theft and obstructing and battery on a peace officer.
Of the 79 cards, 35 were issued to Lyon County residents, 42 were issued to out-of-county Nevada residents and two were issued to out-of-state residents. The average length of employment among the support workers was two-and-a-half years, with the longest being 19 years. Twenty-nine workers had less than a year of employment with the brothels. Two of the workers were involved in active criminal cases, including possession of a controlled substance.